Wednesday, 7 January 2015

woyww - book binding attempt

Never thought I would be attempting to bind my own watercolour book.... but here on my desk you can see the first steps.  With the varying quality of watercolour sketch books and ridiculous prices I am prepared to give it a go.  Why you ask? Watching you tube at 11o'clock will give you a false sense of "I can do that!!".   Hopefully I can show a decent pic of the end product next week.
A little pic of our cat from the back. I won't be offended if you thought it was a slug the family have already made that comment.  
Have a lovely woyww.


  1. I'm absolutely certain you can bind your own book! :) Youtube is a never ending source of misc info.
    I've been playing with those watercolours :)
    Glad that sketch is Charlie ... would hate to think you were (wasting time?) sketching slugs!

  2. Ha, no, my kitchen bench hasn't changed colours. At least not yet! But the dishwasher leaked (badly) just a few weeks ago and we have an insurance claim going through for the damage ... and to fix it properly half the kitchen will have to be pulled out, which will mean a new bench top ... arrrgh!
    The blue tablecloth is on the boat ... where I commandeered most of the table :) May not get around to woyww today ... really nothing terribly exciting to show. We'll see.

  3. Well done you on attempting to do some book binding. Hope we get to see it next week. I can see it is a cat you are showing us, shame on the family but I bet they are only winding you up.
    Hugs, Neet 3 xx

  4. How very rude of your family... you can tell it's a cat. he looks like he's laying on a cushion. good luck with the bookbinding, it's something I'd love to have a go at. Helen 9

  5. Looks like the first stages of binding your book is going well . Happy woyww Jill #10

  6. Ah, you are doing a fine job with that binding. The hard part is out of the way, at least in my opinion.

    Bleubeard recognized your cat, but I'm not sure I did. He gave your drawing two paws up.

    Thanks for the early visit, happy New Year, and happy WOYWW from #2.

  7. I did spot the kitty lol. Great idea with the book.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  8. It's another day of juggling for me today....I have Lexi one side of me building with the Knex and Sam is the other side doing jigsaws so I'm popping round some of my favourite blogs while they play happily 😃
    At first glance I did see a slug but then I saw the cats ears 😃 good luck with the book binding.
    Annie x. #20

  9. A slug, LOL! So funny! I can see how it COULD be mistaken for a slug, but I immediately saw what it was meant to be! It's great that you're binding your own journal! Even if the first one doesn't come out perfect, don't give up! It's so satisfying to make your own and it looks like you're on the right track with the holes in the right places! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #27

  10. How funny. Not at all sluglike :) Your family needs glasses :) Good luck with the bookbinding. It's fun and so satisfying to make your own to your own spec.

    Happy First WOYWW of 2015!
    Mary Anne (15 - just a lucky coincidence)

  11. Hiya ... thanks for popping by my blog last week & sorry it has taken me so long to reply! I get equally helpful comments from my family about my crafting ... a lot of raised eyebrows and a questioning look on their faces but I carry on regardless! Can't wait to see how your book turns out ... it looks wonderful already! Happy New Year and Happy WOYWW'ing! Love Debbie x

  12. Actually, I was going to say how perfectly you've caught the relaxed attitude of the cat! It's not slug like at all!! The book binding looks like an interesting project, not something I've ever thought of doing. Is it reasonable easy?
    Thanks ever so much for the offer of the pattern.....I feel a bit churlish saying no, but honestly, it's to save you the postage. I really do have enough bag patterns to sink the proverbial battlefield, but I REALLY appreciate the though :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 18 xx

  13. I wasn't thinking slug until you said, now I can't get it out of mu head!! Good luck with the bookbinding, you'll be fine (!). Gotta love utube. Some people just have too much time on their hands but I'm very thankful for it! Happy WOYWW, Cindy #44

  14. From what I have heard, book binding is not that difficult. You will have to let us know, I have always been too scared to try.
    I think the cat does not look like a slug, I knew it was a cat right away!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #22

  15. I must admit that having taken just a quick glance I did think it was a slug, but then I quickly realised it was a cat from the back! I think I have been brainwashed by my fishing excursion with my son today as all he caught were sea slugs...uagh! As for the book binding....yes watching Youtube at any time of the day can give you a false sense of ones abilities...#63

  16. I knew it was no slug, because it has whiskers. Your book binding attempt is very promising! I haven´t dared to do that yet, because I think it is complicated and time consuming. But you are right, there are not many books with good paper for a reasonable price. Making your own will definitely better.
    Gabriele 29

  17. With three different binding systems, there are times I do it by hand.................yes I watch You Tube too........LOL! It is still a good place to go for lessons (and I use the term lightly). I do know this takes a little practice, or maybe that's just me.....................yep, that's just me.....grin

    Thanks for visiting Betsy this week, feels good to be back.

  18. if they said slug it's because you have achieved such a perfect tail-tucked-in shape....and another thing - why would you name a slug! Good luck with the binding, I bet it comes out well - and that's you on the path with another hobby!

  19. Totally thought it was a gorgeous cat!!! No worries! I have a friend who does book binding all the time and so I know it's a long process. Once you get the hang of it though, it seems to go faster. Good luck!

    Happy Crafting!
    Jeannie #33

  20. I think your picture of your cat is great. Tell everyone slugs don't have whiskers! That's a dead giveaway! Happy WOYWW!
    Glenda #36

  21. A slug....don't be daft, I knew it was a cat straight away,lol. I am looking at one in exactly the same position at the minute. He's sulking 'cos I made him stay out in the windy day it is today!!!!
    I had to laugh, we are doing exactly the same thing. I am just binding a book for a pressie that I meant to send a dear lady for Christmas. It'll be a New Year gift now.
    Thank you for popping by already and your lovely comments as always. Can you tell what my fav colours are???
    Have a good week, Sandra.
    Hugs Lisax

  22. No, they are having you on! It is most definitely a cat! And very beautifully drawn too.
    Well done you for making your own watercolour book. I know what you mean about bought books though. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product.
    Thank you for visiting and commenting on my page earlier,
    Have a good week,

  23. Laughing out loud about the slug comment!!!!!!!! Good luck with the book binding sounds fun might like to try it one day
    Jackie 4

  24. No I didn't think it was a slug thought cat straight away.... tell your family off!
    I have just bound a journal for DLP too .... its not that difficult ..... really I have made a few before.
    I made several signatures and will wait until the end of the year before I sew them together when I can see how thick it is going to be .... last years was too thick for the original cover .... so lets hope it works..... I hoe to post some brusho backgrounds next Wednesday
    janet #16

  25. I laughed at the slug comment, but thought it was a cat straight away - and a fine cat at that! Love the idea of binding my own journals and sketchbooks - it's something I'd love to get into but never got round to - hope it goes well, and I'll look forward to seeing the finished book. Thanks for stopping by my desk and I hope you have a great week,
    Diana #50

  26. Once you dive into the world of bookbinding, I bet you never buy a journal again! Ha!!! You are so right: making it yourself is great because you can choose your own favorite paper and make your own cover... and it really IS easy (well, not all bindings, but most of them are and me, too started off looking at youtube and trying some simple bindings at first!) Binding books yourself is just so satisfying! Good luck and enjoy your hand-made journal!! Happy New Year, happy woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #40

  27. Sleeping cats look just like that: everything that can touch the ground ( or wherever) will do so...we've been laughing at the dog who is seemingly relaxed and asleep, but the paws are in the air, really! Wish you luck with the binding, sounds fun. Happy woyww!

  28. It is a sleeping cat and I thought it was until you mentioned the slug, but I still think your cat is perfect. Goodluck with the bookbinding and I look forward to seeing how it all goes.

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Eliza & Yoda #76

  29. all the best on your book binding, I'm thinking of giving it a go.

  30. First I saw the color and then I saw the cat. Good luck with your book binding -- we are all "in your corner" as you try it. Happy WOYWW! ~ Laura #65

  31. Ah the "I can do that" promise of both YouTube and Pinterest!!!
    I have been covering bought books and have pinned a few instructions on making your own so will be interested to see how you get on (it certainly looks like a book in the making)
    Thanks for visiting my blog already

    Kyla #13

  32. Hi Sandra de, firstly thanks for visiting my desk. Secondly I just scrolled back a few weeks...lovely artwork...I did see your cat this week but also the slug hahahah he's a slim cat, no it's a very good sketch. Glad you're having a go at book binding, will be back to see how it goes. Cheers RobynO#31

  33. Thanks for visiting ! I could only see the cat until you mentioned the slug - now what can I see !! Ali #21

  34. Thanks for the visit. Love your drawing of the cat, not slug like at all. It's a good idea to make your own watercolour book that way you can have the paper you want to use. Look forward to seeing it finished. Happy crafting, Angela x 39

  35. Hullo there Sandra,
    A great creative space today, must admit you had me chuckling at your cat comment :D

    Smiled at your comment also bout 1pm videos giving you a swollen idea of capability, I know what you mean there and put my hand up as guilty, but hey no try no find out eh??
    Thanks so much for sharing ~ happy belated WOYWW!
    Shaz in Oz.x #24

    {Shaz in Oz – my personal blog}

  36. Hi Sandra de,
    If I got started on YouTube at 11:00 I wouldn't be able to go to sleep!! All the ideas and inspiration going through my head. It looks like your first attempt at bookbinding is a success. I can definitely see the backside of a cat in your drawing.

    I looked at your previous post and love the watercolors of the purse and wallet and also the callalillies.

    Thank you for visiting me already!
    Happy belated WOYWW
    Kay (61)

  37. Love your kitty pic - could vaguely see the "slug" but only wish my pics would look half as good!

  38. Your book binding looks great so far :)
    I had to laugh at your YouTube comment as it is so true :)
    Tracy #76
