Wednesday 15 April 2020

woyww - from desk to garden

Lockdown has certainly inspired me to get into the garden and tidy up.  
Happy to see the Solanato tomatoes and chillies coming along nicely and inspired me to plant lettuce, radish and rocket.  
Time will tell if it was all for naught.

Hubby now interested in growing mushrooms, which led to a dark corner section
 of the garden being weeded and prepared for the mushroom spores.  

Little action on my desk this week as gardening has taken up all my time. Feel like I have run a marathon and completed a pilates class in one setting.  Can barely lift a paint brush.

Have a good week.  


  1. I am sure that there will be some painting eventually as a result of the gardening Sandra. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #7

  2. Missing your beautiful artwork but enjoying your photographs of the gardening and smiling to think of you working out there in this glorious weather that you seem to be having.
    Stay safe and well
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  3. Morning Sandra. Great looking tomatoes. My mum used to tell a tale that during WW2 she joined the land army and worked in a nursery - and there grew yellow tomatoes, different coloured carrots, okra and all sorts! Hope you are soon able to pick up that paintbrush again.
    Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
    Margaret #6

  4. Good luck with the gardening....ours are all shooting up in their rows. Your tomatoes look very advanced. Ours are'nt ready to be planted yet.
    Annie x #18

  5. Yes I need to get back out in the garden - its been a tad chilly the last couple of days and I don't do cold gardening at my age - I earnt my stripes when I was a jobbing gardener and have too much respect for my joints nowadays to be out in the cold and damp! Not that it's rained for weeks, I think I am going to have to bite te bullet and drag out the hose so I can plant some seedlings out. Thanks for your earlier visit and the vote of confidence - both posts appeared so not all was lost! Stay safe, stay well, Happy WOYWW Cindy #12

  6. Hi Sandra,Good job with the gardening. I bought Hubby a Mushroom growing kit for Christmas. I need to get out in the garden soon, it's the only fresh air & exercise I'll be getting for a while! Have a good week, Stay safe, Love & hugs, Shaz #8 X

  7. Your tomatoes are looking good, we have just put ours in this week. I hope your husband has success with the mushrooms, they are not something we have thought of trying to grow, although I love them. Definitely something to consider for next year. The garden has been a godsend for getting out in the fresh air and sunshine. but like you my muscles are groaning at the amount of weeding I did! Hope you soon get back to your painting,
    Stay safe and well,
    Diana xx #16

  8. And that's why exercise and going to the gym is bad for you, lol! I've been gardening too and feel your pain but it's looking good. YOu def have the climate for growing outdoor tomatoes, I tried last year but it wasn't a happy ending. I miss my greenhouse from my old home, it was a beauty.
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  9. Now growing mushrooms reminds me of something funny that happened year ago. I had a very old Austin eleven hundred (it was very old when I bought it) which always had damp coming into the floor so hubby took the carpet out and put it on the lawn to dry now the following day I parked the car as I arrived at work and thought I saw something on the carpet but just left it, when school finished and I was going home I checked it again and there it was a great big mushroom had popped up! Hope that makes you smile. Take care and happy creative woyww, Angela x17x

  10. Oh you are so lucky to have green and things growing. We are having unusual weather. Snowed 5 inches with high winds Sunday and now it is melting with wonderful SUNSHINE to create mud and cold 16 degrees right now. I am hoping with when WARM temps arrive this virus will disappear. Stay Safe and enjoy the great outdoors.

  11. Those tomatoes and chilli's are doing well. Su is shining here and its lovely just wish the computer was in the other room where the sun is,

    Take care lilian B # 13

  12. I did spend some time tidying my garden at the weekend. Mine has no edibles though (front garden) Take are and stay safe. Helen #4

  13. It is good to get exercise in the garden but using muscles that don't normally get a work out does have it's setbacks! Stay safe xx Jo #13

  14. It's great to get some gardening in and we certainly have the weather for it at the moment. Desk time will come...
    Thanks for the visit BJ#20

  15. Lovely garden pictures, Sandra! I'm afraid I didn't manage to come up with any of those this week. My hubby continues to be busy in ours and it's looking very nice. Your hubby's mushroom growing project sounds intriguing - I hope it goes well! Perhaps you'll have some photos to share with us in due course. Thank you for your visit - so glad you like my art work this week, and yes, I'm always finding new recipes online and keen to try them! My hubby is always very appreciative, which is always nice for me.

    Keep safe and well, and happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #1

  16. Gardening is creativity too, I really miss my garden these days but am pleased with the place I live and my little balcony. I might buy me a pot of chili-peppers, it would be fun to have those on my balcony! Thanks for your visit to my blog earlier, have a nice day and stay safe! Hug from Holland, Marit #21

  17. I am totally impressed you already have veggies growing here our plants are being measured in inches as sprouts in the green house still haha. :) ~Stacy #30

  18. You could start painting the crops of your labours shortly. Vegetables not the usual fruit. Ani #15

  19. The gardening is going well - no sign of veggies here yet! Happy belated WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#3)
