Wednesday 24 February 2021

WOYWW - crushed granite apparently


Nothing pretty on my desk this Wednesday.  Unless you 
like crushed granite that comes from an area in central NSW called Cowra.

Given a bag of the crushed granite by a Geologist who knows that I make paint.

Quite unusual to find a core of crushed granite according to the Geologist. 

So after sifting, grinding, washing etc. 
I will be making some watercolour paint over the weekend.  

So far it is looking more like face powder than watercolour paint and that is fine. Plan to paint 
the kitty and a little ginger/apricot tones will suit her furry complexion.  

Have a lovely woyww peek and a creative week. 

Wednesday 17 February 2021

woyww Obi and a few ATC


"Obi" is now off my desk and had a quick trip outside for a photo in good light.  
I will probably add a bit more shading to his tail and then it is done.

With the sad news about  Shaz I pulled out the WOYWW folder  and had a look at the  beautiful ATC's
I received from Shaz over the years.  

She will be sadly missed and my thoughts and prayers are with her family.

Thursday 11 February 2021

Slow and steady progress on WOYWW


Apologies for the late post but I forgot about Wednesday until it was Thursday! I could also mention the phone shadow but by this stage I am posting and moving on.  

 Once I painted "Obi's" eyes I felt his lovely character started to shine through. Slowly working on

his body and thinking about how to apply a subtle background.

Maybe I just think too much. LOL

Wishing you all a creative week.

Wednesday 3 February 2021


Six months certainly goes by pretty quickly. 

 Adjusting to the new normal meant a lot of things went by the wayside and posting on woyww
got replaced with Insta.  But, I am getting a little tired of Insta and the constant push to sell me things I don't want, need or even like.   If I think about Insta it feels like I  spent more time on settings trying to disable everything and falling down a rabbit hole of memes which occasionally made me laugh.

Back to Blogger and there have been a few changes. After a year of constant changes what is one more in the big scheme.  

This little WIP is the beginnings of "Obi".  So far he is  behaving nicely and has the sweetest disposition.  Will see what happens when I work on those eyes over the weekend.

Hope all well for all the lovely people in WOYWW.